You can look and feel your very best 7 days a week, regardless of your age, gender, financial status, or how tall, short, thin or wide you are. YOU are stunning just as you are now. Looking and feeling your best is a matter of letting your inner beauty shine from within to enable you to embrace your true magnificence fully!
I was raised to always look my best, no matter the occasion. If I didn't have lip gloss on my mother would hand me a tube of lipstick out of her purse when we were shopping together. I wasn't allowed to dress frumpy; I even had to wear a dress to school once a week during grade school... Looking back I'm deeply grateful for my mother’s love and devotion to caring enough about me to help me understand how important it was to care for myself properly. To this day she always looks beautiful ~ she is still a shining example to me and everyone around her.
Taking time to look your best is well worth the extra 30 minutes it takes each morning to pamper yourself. When you care enough about you to do your hair & makeup each morning you will naturally want to dress nicer too, which will increase your self-confidence and more love from within. We can all fit in an extra few minutes to care for ourselves regardless of our schedule. Make YOU a HIGH PRIORITY DAILY! Excuses are just that ~ excuses, so let them go and replace them with positive thoughts of, I'M WORTH IT!
When you look in the mirror do you have positive inner-dialog? If not, then it's time to learn to love & care for you as you were design to be.
If you practice having gratitude for your body daily it will manifest your thoughts and feeling creating the body of your dreams, you will be able to transform your physique with less effort through diet & exercise. You will be happier, healthier and forgiving. Your family & friends will also enjoy being around you. You will radiate your beautiful spirit and will have a glow about you… You will have higher energy frequencies by being optimistic and grateful, which will attract more things to be thankful for.
People are naturally drawn to those who have a high self-esteem. When you feel good about yourself you exude success, empowerment and joy. When you are in this state of mind you will have a brilliant energy field around you which is like a powerful magnet attracting all good things to you.
To love you fully is highly empowering! It is a contagious energy, not in a worldly way, but in a spiritual way. When my heart is filled with love, joy & happiness you radiate that which then attracts more joyful experience and abundance into my life. Everyone has pure light within it’s just a matter of releasing limiting thought & beliefs that hold you back. Forgive and let go of negative emotions, no matter the cause, it's just not worth holding resentment, it only harms you!
People are drawn to positive people. Being happy and looking your best is not only attractive but also inspires others to do the same. When you walk with your head & chest held high with a smile on your face you will naturally have a higher self-esteem. Your body languages also express how you feel about you. When you walk with confidence you will be admired from afar and by those you hold close to your heart.
Love all that you are with all of your heart… By loving you unconditionally you will naturally look younger... I have been approached by strangers when I'm out and about asking how I stay looking young. The fountain of youth is within you! Embrace all that you are and strive to care for your body daily, by eating healthy and exercising in addition to dressing nicely and doing your hair & make up each morning, no matter how tired or busy you are… Make time for you! Make you a high priority. By doing so you will also become a better family member and friend and your self-image will improve dramatically as well..
Love all that you are with all of your heart… By loving you unconditionally you will naturally look younger... I have been approached by strangers when I'm out and about asking how I stay looking young. The fountain of youth is within you! Embrace all that you are and strive to care for your body daily, by eating healthy and exercising in addition to dressing nicely and doing your hair & make up each morning, no matter how tired or busy you are… Make time for you! Make you a high priority.
Also give thanks throughout the day to Heavenly Father for all of the bountiful blessings in your life. Remember, you are a child of God. To fully understand this is almost unimaginable. It is a profound and highly spiritual experience to connect and be one with the heavenly powers above. You have divinity within you; therefore, you are perfection!
Live your best life by being happy. Smile and laugh more, realize that life really is sooo Good!Decided to see the best in all situation and in those you associate with. Happiness is a state of mind... Choose to be happy!
My top ten tips for looking your best and feeling great are simple yet very powerful in shifting your vibration of doubt to that of creation! Pamper yourself for a week ~ you’ll be surprise just how much it will change your life for the better in all aspects of your life.
My top ten tips for looking your best and feeling great are simple yet very powerful in shifting your vibration of doubt to that of creation! Pamper yourself for a week ~ you’ll be surprise just how much it will change your life for the better in all aspects of your life.
1. WAKE UP WITH AN ATTITUDE OF GRATITUDE ~ Upon waking up each morning before you even get out of bed think about what you are thankful for and proclaim what a fantastic day it's going to be! Begin each new day with powerful energy to create your day on purpose. Remember, like always attracts like, so declare what you want to experience each new day! Start your day off right by having an attitude of gratitude. Be happy!
2. START YOUR DAY OFF RIGHT ~ Begin each morning with exercising for at least 30 to 45 minutes. Exercise not only raises your metabolism but it also raises your self esteem. Your body craves exercise just as much as food and sleep. So get moving! Exercise whenever it fits your schedule; just be sure to exercise at least 30 minutes 4 to 6 days a week. Try to get your heart-rate up in the morning and again in the evening if you can, take your dog for a walk after dinner or ride bikes with your family. Exercising again in the evening will raise your metabolism again; it's an excellent way to burn fat & feel great at the same time. Make exercise a top priority daily!
3. SHOWER EACH MORNING ~ Each morning make it a point to shower and put on make-up or shave (for you men out there) every day! Everyone likes to see a pretty well cared for face, in fact, so you do when you look in the mirror. So care enough about you to look and feel your best by pampering yourself each morning. Taking pride in yourself will express to those around you that you love who you are. Dress nicely, not in sweats or an over sized T-shirt. Dress for success each and every day! Regardless of your tasks for the day, dress nicely. Doing so you will start your day off right!
4. EXPRESS YOUR LOVE ~ Express love, thankfulness & appreciation daily to your family and friends will in fact bring more love into your life more to be thankful for.--as well as to yourself. Take time to cuddle each day with your sweetheart. Make alone time a high priority in your marriage. Let your children and family members know how proud you are of them. Make it a point to speak kind words often to your loved ones, friends and associates by letting them know just how much you appreciate them. The more you are grateful for the more you will have to be grateful for! It's a beautiful thing!!!
5. MEDITATE ~Take at least 10 minutes each day to ponder and reflect on your divine spirit within and what your heart desires. Meditation doesn't mean you have to sit in yoga style -- meditation can take place anywhere you are alone where you are able to contemplate your inner feelings and desires. It's a space where you are able to reflect on your higher-self and feel the love of self fully and to set your intentions with love and thankfulness, believing that they will indeed manifest. It's essential to become one with your higher-self by shutting out the world around you for a brief moment in time. Be prayerful daily and know that there are no accidents; everything in life is for our learning and growth. Believe in your dreams and visualize them as though you were already living them now.
6. EAT CLEAN ~ Eat wholesome foods! The saying "you are what you eat" is very, very true! When you eat junk food you feel awful because all food has energy as well. Whole foods have higher energy frequency so when you eat clean it literally shifts your cells into a higher vibration, that's a big part of why you feel so much more alive. Most people feed their animals better than themselves. Don't you want to live a long healthy life? Then buck up and eat right! Let go of the useless excuses of why you eat junk food. Eat to live don't live to eat! It's simple & highly rewarding to eat clean!
7. DRINK UP ~ Aim to drink 80 to 120 oz of purified water daily. You're mostly made of water, your body need to be replenished well to rebuild strong healthy cells. Drinking high pH water such as adding Liv Sxinney to your water will keep you in a high pH level and will detox you all day long as well. By staying hydrated you'll have more energy, your metabolism will increase, you'll look & feel younger, you'll be moods will improve, your health will sky rocket and your skin and hair will also improve too.
8. GET YOUR BEAUTY REST ~ Get plenty of zzzz's. Getting to bed early will not only help you feel happier but it will seem as though you turned back the clock of time, you'll look more youthful. Your cells and muscle tissue rebuild and replenish during sleep, your body builds beautiful muscles after a good hard workout from earlier in the day as you sleep, so it's highly important to get a good night rest of at least 7 to 9 hours each night. Sleep is essential to good health. Try to get to bed before 10:30 pm every night! Your body will reward you for it!
9. BE HAPPY~ You were created to have a joyful, happy life! So live that way! Smile & have fun by following your bliss. Take time for some true R&R by doing what you love. Life can become way too stressful if you let it. Take time to play with your kids, read a good book, do your favorite hobby, walk your dog, cook your favorite meal, talk to a friend, or have a date with your sweetheart... do something each day that brings you joy & happiness.
10. BELIEVE IN YOU ~ How many times do you find yourself saying something negative about yourself? How does that make you feel? It's not healthy in any way, shape or form - so stop self-sabotage and self-doubt! Start by saying "I love you" each time you see yourself in a mirror or a reflection in a window. Be kind and loving to your body. Believe in you! You can accomplish anything that you set your mind to. Believe you can, follow through and you will achieve your goals! Remember ~ you are the most important person on earth!
So there you have it! Live these simple yet truly life changing principals and I guarantee you'll look & feel your very best. You can live a happier more fulfilling life by looking and feeling your best 7 days a week!
Thanks for reading. Until next time... Liv Fit! Train Hard! Liv Happy!
Carol Whitaker
Embrace Your Journey to SuccessLifestyle Fitness Coach & Life Success Coach
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