Discussion continues about the types of herbs, and this time we try to parse one type of herb called PROPOLIS
Definition of propolis
Propolis, or bee glue is a substance produced by honey bees. Collected by bees from the tip of young leaves and then mixed with saliva, are used for patching and sterilize the hive. Propolis is a disinfectant (anti bacterial) that kills all the germs that enter the hive. covering the nest with bee propolis to protect all who are in the nest is from the invasion of germs, viruses, or bacteria, for example: queen bees, eggs, baby bees and honey. Natural disinfectant properties contained in propolis are powerful in killing bacteria, as evidenced by the finding of a rat in a nest of bees that had been dead for about 5 years in a state of decay.
Propolis usefulness for humans is:
>Supplementation; contain substances that are needed to build immunity and
activate the thymus gland.
-All vitamins except vitamin K
-All of the minerals needed by the body unless sulfur
-16 Essential Amino Acid chain required for cell regeneration.
-Bioflavonoids, which is an anti-oxidant as a supplement to the cell.
-According to research, the content of Bioflavonoids on a drop of propolis
produced the equivalent of bioflavonoids from citrus fruit 500.
>Natural medicine; contain active substances that function as drugs for various
diseases. The function of treatment include the following:
-As an antibiotic, antiviral and antifungal as well as naturally without
side effects.
-Diseases associated with bacteria, such as: typhoid, diarrhea / vomiting
and so forth. Can also to smell armpits are very disturbing, because in
the armpit crease contained bacteria or fungi that cause odor.
-Diseases associated with viruses, such as: dengue fever, flu, tuberculosis
and so on.
-Diseases associated with fungi, for example: eczema, skin fungus, vaginal
discharge, dandruff, and so forth.
-Anti-inflammatory (infection and injury), such as: ulcers, wounds, sore
throat, toothache, inflammation of the kidneys, bruises, burn and so forth.
-As an anti-cancer and mutagenesis of cells, for example: cancer, tumors,
prime, cysts, and so forth.
-Serves to cleanse and detoxify the blood vessels or the disposal of toxins,
such as uric acid, cholesterol, trigliserin, high blood pressure, heart
disease, stroke, diabetes mellitus and so forth.
Many experts think about propolis and uses, including:
#John Diamond MD, propolis is able to activate the thymus gland that functions
as a system of body immunity.
#Ray Kupinsel; propolis as a natural anti-biotic is able to fight many diseases
without side effects
#Professor Arnold Becket, propolis is able to cure many diseases caused by
viruses, bacteria and fungi.
#Russia Research Team (Russia Research Team); in propolis is a natural anti
biotic and anti-viral, vitamins, amino acids, minerals that are highly
effective for diseases of the mouth, throat.
#Dr. Chu Fang (doctors in China Hospital Lien Yu Kang), propolis is useful for
diseases of high fat content in the blood and heart disease.
#Columbia Cancer Research Institute, 1991; in propolis are substances that
function CAPE deadly cancer cells. With regular use of substances CAPE for 6
months to reduce cancer by 50%.
#Magazine Kivalkina anti biotic VP, propolis is effective to the infection
without limit expires.
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